Today found us ministering in the Namuwongo slum areas with mostly HIV+ and alcoholism being prevalent.
Most of the women seemed to be very responsive to these three women with light skin coming into their area (after much heavy rain, turning their pathways into a muddy pit and slip-n-slide). We were slipping, sliding and jumping over trenches to get to those whom the Lord led us to invite to come for further sharing/teaching tomorrow.
We even had some witnessing opportunities with some people. One lady who heard Sue Sanford speaking said that she wanted "that" now, now. So she received salvation.
There was a very sweet moment when all of us had gone back into a corner and sat on a porch where several women were gathered around and we just shared the Gospel. It was well received and all said they would join us tomorrow to hear our stories.
Pray for the women who come to know Christ or if they already do, to be strengthened and encouraged.
Mission Accomplished! Today, we also had time to go and pick some MaMa kits to take to the Comforter's Center, where we visited with the dear ladies. Mama kits are crucial to giving birth and you literally have to wait and have your baby in the lobby of the hospital if you don't have one! 4 cases (about 100) were given to the ministry to support women who are wanting to continue their pregnancy and bring life into this world.
One more day of ministry and then we return home. We haven't even begun to share all that God has done here! Thank you for your prayers and support in making this trip possible for the Lord's renown.
Love in Christ,
Team Uganda
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